Description of Services

You don’t have to wait for illness to find wellness

I take a limited number of 1-on-1 clients. Contact me for a free Discovery Call and to find out if I have any openings. If you are looking for a group-based program, check out my RESTART® classes.

What is Functional Nutritional Therapy? Find out HERE.

Free Discovery Call

This informative and free 20-minute call is the first step. It allows us to discuss your current health challenges and goals and to determine whether nutritional therapy is right for you. Click here to make an appointment.

Comprehensive Nutrition & Wellness Consultation

All services begin with this 75-minute initial interview where we address your health concerns, medical/family history, current medications/supplements, detailed symptoms questionnaire, and food journal. We will work together to design a personalized dietary and lifestyle protocol that addresses your health concerns and moves you towards your goals. We will also discuss any recommended tests based on symptoms.

3-Month Wellness Program

This program is designed for people who need more accountability and guidance as they work towards their health goals. With ongoing meetings and communication, we can make tweaks along the way so that you can experience greater results and set you on a path to feeling your best! The Gut Health Test Panel and MRT Food Sensitivity Testing are usually recommended depending on symptoms you are experiencing and can be added as needed. A Comprehensive Nutrition & Wellness Consultation must precede this program.


  • Bi-weekly check-ins via phone or Zoom
  • Unlimited support via text or email
  • Reassessment of progress and symptoms using the Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire at the 3-month mark. 
  • Additional lab testing as needed at an additional cost.

NEW! CGM Program

Has your doctor told you that you are “pre-diabetic” or that you need to lower your blood sugar? Are you trying to lower inflammation and suspect blood sugar is contributing to this? Using a CGM is like a coach on your arm. It provides invaluable insights into how your diet and habits are impacting your glycemic control and variability. I will work with you to obrtain a CGM, understand your CGM data, and apply dietary and lifestyle hacks to optimize your blood sugar control.

RESTART® Program

The RESTART® Program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from sugar and processed foods. This 5 week group program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy, reduce inflammation and get rid of sugar and carb cravings! Click the button below to learn more!

Learn More

Testing Offered

I am a believer in “Test, Don’t Guess!” As a Restorative Wellness Practitioner, I have been trained to use various testing methods to help get to the root cause of someone’s symptoms. Most of these testing options are done from your own home with the exception of Nutritional Blood Chemistry which includes a blood draw from LabCorp or labs that were ordered from a medical practitioner. My clients are typically also working with a medical doctor or naturopathic doctor and what I do nicely complements the care they get from those health practitioners.

  • GI-MAP Stool Testing

Get info about the health of your gut and microbiome, your digestive function, and use targeted protocols to support getting back into balance.

  • MRT Food Sensitivity Panel

This is often recommended alongside the GI-MAP. If you are showing signs of inflammation, this helps to identify if there are food based factors that are contributing to that.

  • Adrenal Hormone Testing

Signs of blood sugar dysregulation, fatigue, energy fluctuations throughout the day, difficulty sleeping, high stress lifestyle, anxiety and chronic immune challenges could all be indications that your adrenal glands need to be supported.

  • Female Hormone Testing

Female hormone testing can provide valuable information for anyone with fertility concerns, period issues, or if you’re experiencing hormone related symptoms like low libido, hot flashes, night sweats, PMS, mid-cycle spotting, etc.

  • Male Hormone Testing

Loss of libido, loss of enthusiasm, low mood or depression, fatigue, being overweight, and blood sugar dysregulation can all be signs of hormone imbalances in men. Don’t guess… test!

  • Nutritional Blood Chemistry

A comprehensive panel assessing the thyroid, blood sugar handling, cholesterol, liver function, inflammation, cardiovascular health, immune function, anemia, nutrients such as iron and vitamin D, kidney health and more. This panel goes much deeper than typical conventional medicine panels which are ordered based on standard of care.

  • Nutrigenomics Testing

Your health is the result of your genes plus the choices you make everyday. Although you may have certain genes that predispose you to a slower metabolism (as one example), the choices you make via nutrition and lifestyle impacts whether you experience the expression of those genes or not. This test also:

      • Gives us clues as to why someone may struggle to lose weight when they feel they’re doing everything “right.”
      • Tells us if someone is more likely to benefit more from endurance versus strength training.
      • Can help explain why someone finds it difficult to maintain optimal Vitamin D or B12 levels.
      • Looks at genes related to detoxification, inflammation, bone health, and so much more!
  • Other Testing

I have been trained to run and interpret a wide array of testing offered by Great Plains Laboratory, Vibrant America Wellness, and Cyrex Laboratories. Some of these tests include screens for mycotoxins (mold-related), heavy metals, toxic non-metals, wheat and gluten sensitivities, sensitivities for gluten-related cross-reactive foods, and many others.